Personalised word poster

Personalised word poster

Aussi disponible en Français :Tableaux de mots à personnaliser.

Word poster, also known as " word clouds " or " wordles ", are already trendy! But what is really great and fashionable is a PERSONALISED WORD POSTER ! Create your poster by choosing the size, the colors, the fonts etc... You will be amazed by the possibilities !

Thanks to it is now possible to design you own word poster ! Wallsweethome gives you the opportunity to use a special sofware that will help you create your very own adhesive poster. Select the size, colors, images, texts and there you have it : a wall decoration that looks like you.

To give you an example, this " House Rules " poster 70x100cm has been designed on " Create your poster ".

Personalised word poster

Personalised word poster

This poster would cost you 25,20€ TTC only and can be used as a wall decal or a poster to frame.

Find more ideas on personalized products on Pinterest.

Soon to come : PERSONALISED STAIRCASE RISER wall decals, but for now tell us all about what you would write on your word poster ?

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