Dare to be different !

Dare to be different !

I don't know if you agree that today home interiors tend to be all the same... this is due to mass market and mass consumption.

The most common interior designer is Ikea and this can be sometimes annoying to find lovely piece of furniture but find out your neighbour has exactly the same as you...

So today I am just explaining to you how to be different and original!

Create your own cover for your Ikea coffee table or customize drawers of your drawer chest...

Being original is daring to be different. And different is GOOD!

This was the Daily Prompt Challenge Daily prompt response for the 11th of october : ORIGINAL.

Poêles à granulés vs poêles à bois : Quel est le meilleur choix pour votre chauffage ?
Intégration architecturale des panneaux solaires : L'alliance entre esthétique et efficacité énergétique